Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The one BIG thing that bothers me about the SSM Protests...

This week I have been paying attention to the protests at SCOTUS about the cases on Prop 8 and DOMA. There have been a lot of people gathering on both sides, and I have been amazed by the relative civility of the protests.  Among the protesters we have:

The Good
(Civil protesters, respectful signs)

The Bad
(Over the top, and we're walking a fine line on being offensive)

The Ugly
(      )

Yeah, I left "The Ugly" blank because... there are really no words.  We can always rely on the Westboro Baptist Church to truly disgust humanity.  So, other than the obvious disappointment in that... I bring you to my point, the biggest thing that has bothered me about the SSM protests at SCOTUS this week:

Seeing the power the American People can have, and knowing how rarely we wield it.

Both sides have really had some amazing turnouts, and I am amazed and proud of everyone going out on both sides to participate in the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment (and doing so with civility).  I am truly proud to be an American.

But it makes me wonder why we don't use our power more?  For example, with the budget talks beginning soon in congress?

If you read my earlier post "DOMA & SCOTUS", I cited, in a tangent (how uncharacteristic of me) that each American owes over $53K in federal debt.... Considering the median HOUSEHOLD income (which means it's even lower per person) is only $50K (2), that is a scary thought.  So, if my household (which consists of my boyfriend and myself) is the avg, we have a joint income of $50K, but we owe $106K as a household... and that's not including our personal debt (mortgage and student loans...).  

I don't know how closely you follow our national debt, but it has climbed to these levels (approaching $17T) pretty recently.  It has been almost FOUR YEARS since the Senate passed a budget.  In fact, Obama's budget proposal was rejected by a Democrat controlled Senate when ZERO Senators voted for it.  I'm sorry, but if not even a single soul from your own party votes for your budget, you are not trying your hardest.  Since we haven't had a budget since 2009, it has been us, the American people, who have suffered the most.

Under Bush, the debt went up about $4.9T in his 8 years as president.  When he left office, the debt was just over $9T.  So, since Bush left office a little over four years ago, the debt has increased well over $6T.  The debt is also over 100% of GDP.  Not to mention, every year under Obama has had a deficit over $1T.  (3) I would venture to say that there are many factors out there (a conversation for another post), but it is no coincidence that we our debt has climbed this drastically in the years we have no federal budget. 

So as I sit at my desk at work, sneaking onto news sites (and twitter) to get my news fix, I think, what if we used our power more often?  I look at these people, so active in their beliefs, and I wonder what if they came together?  All I can say is- Mind Blown.

As it is said, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".  There is no stronger bond than that forged over a common enemy, and my fellow Americans, this day we all have a common enemy: the incompetence in Washington that has failed us.

1. All Pictures courtesy of:

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